Safe Patient Handling Laws:
To date, no federal safe patient handling law has been enacted.
Course Description:
The overexertion injury rate for hospital workers was twice the average, the rate for nursing home workers was over three times the average, and the rate for ambulance workers was over five times the average. According to the CDC, the single greatest risk factor for overexertion injuries in healthcare workers is manual patient handling.
Smart Training’s Safe Patient Handling training module helps staff members understand the challenging dynamics of patient transfer. Many back injuries and debilitating low back pain are avoidable with risk assessment, commonsense technique, and the elimination of the eight unsafe practices that still plague most medical offices.
Educational Objectives:
At course completion, the attendee will be able to:
Teaching Methods: Join us anytime and from any location for our online Safe Patient Handling training module.
Location: Online. Users will need a device (computer, tablet, or smartphone) and an internet connection.
Date: On-demand.